Paid Advertising Company: PPC & SEM, Google Adwords Services in Kolkata, India
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Leading SEM Agency In Kolkata

World-class search engine marketing services in Kolkata that help you get not just clicks but quality leads on your website. Global brands trust us to acquire greater visibility on the internet and hence, gain a winning edge over their competitors. Our targeted SEM campaigns ensure the long-term success of your business.

Skyrocket Your Sales With Best PPC Agency in Kolkata

As a full-fledged SEM company in Kolkata, India, we help businesses generate more revenue and experience unstoppable growth to thrive in their industries. Our unmatched and budget-friendly SEM services improve your brand visibility, trigger sales, and increase your reach. You can’t deny that, in today’s market, search engines serve as a powerful platform for business players to create brand awareness and expand their customer base. Moreover, we help clients meet their paid campaign goals with our ROI-driven PPC management services. So, what are you waiting for? Hire us to increase your brand's exposure and drive steady traffic to your website.

What Makes Us The Top PPC Agency in Kolkata, India

  1. Customized Packages

    Choose a customized package for search engine marketing services based on your brand needs and budget.

  2. Certified SEM Experts

    A handpicked team of SEM professionals to work for your paid ad campaigns who have experience of more than 11 years.

  3. Regular Reporting

    Our skilled experts submit regular reports after the completion of each task, which helps to track your progress.

Search Engine Marketing Services by Certified PPC Experts

Our long-standing expertise in SEM will help you to find customers that intend to find you on search engines. With our extensive range of services, you can bring your brand, product, or service into the limelight. Hire us to get seen by people easily.

Google Adwords Services

Our PPC professionals are masters in creating goal-oriented Google ads that will get you more and more visitors to your website from Google searches.

Google Remarketing

With our remarketing ads services, you can connect with the people that already came to your site. Remarketing increases the chances of lead conversion.

Google Shopping Ads

Our certified eCommerce SEM experts will make sure that your shopping ads will appear to those who are actually eager to purchase your products.

Display Advertising

Our visually appealing ads when displayed in suitable places have the potential to bring huge traffic to your website by capturing the audience’s attention.

Youtube Advertising

Creating interesting and eye-grabbing Youtube ads is a great way to reach your high-potential customers and leave a lasting impression of your brand.

Social Media Advertising

Our SEM experts will create award-winning ad campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, etc. that ensure you get the maximum ROI by hitting the right audience.

PPC Ad Campaign Creation

As a reliable PPC company in Kolkata, we run targeted ads on search engine sites and social media channels to promote your brand offerings and increase recognition.

Native Ads

Native advertising is a refreshing way to publish ads that sync with the web page content beautifully. Native ads enhance clickability by making the ads relatable.

Mobile Advertising

Mobile ads have become the most cost-effective method of paid advertising as it draws the attention of a large number of potential customers who are on their mobile devices.

Drive Instant Traffic With the Best SEM Company in Kolkata

Giving our clients maximum returns from our search engine marketing services is what we strive for. Our skilled SEM experts go beyond just managing your presence - we focus on creating more opportunities through our services. Our fresh and innovative marketing tactics ensure that you get highly targeted leads.


Here are the answers to some of the commonly raised questions by clients before hiring an SEM company in Kolkata, India.

SEM is crucial for every business these days because it helps them reach targeted customers quickly without competing in the organic space. When your potential buyers put a search query relevant to your product or services, your advertisement appears at the top of the first page in search results. Thus, it is an effective marketing strategy to drive traffic through the sales funnel and trigger conversions.

With SEM, also known as PPC Ads, you can reach a prospective customer at the very moment he or she is searching for a good or service like yours on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. PPC garners or draws attention and influences the buying decisions of consumers with compelling ads highlighting your lucrative offerings.

Thus, if you want quick brand recognition and would like to reach the right people at the right time, SEM is the answer. Webgen Technologies is a leading PPC agency in Kolkata that creates impactful PPC ideas to accelerate sales.

Yes, of course. For startups, SEM is a brilliant way to gain massive web traffic, create brand awareness and boost conversion. As for medium & big businesses, SEM guarantees growth through maximum lead generation and boosts profitability.

Let’s see how search engine marketing services in Kolkata benefit your business and help you reach your sales goals efficiently.

Reach your customers instantly – Paid Ad on Google is a short-time SEM strategy that is used to promote instant visibility to your business name, products, and services. Since your ad is displayed at the top of the first page of SERPs, the audience searching for you will reach you at the exact moment they are looking for you.

Location-based targeting – SEM gives you the opportunity to target audiences located near you. You can even create geo-targeted search ads in local languages and select your desired regions or geographical locations for better customer targeting.

Pay only when someone visits your site – PPC or Pay Per Click implies you only pay when anyone clicks on your ads and visit your page. There is no cost involved in displaying ads on search engines. Thus, PPC gives your brand adequate exposure for free.

Beat competitors by showing up for their keywords – Another reason SEM is effective for businesses is it allows them to appear on search queries containing competitor’s keywords.

Aids in name recognition – PPC ads make your brand and brand name familiar to your targeted customers by repeatedly showcasing your business to them during a certain period of time. Gradually when they become familiar with your brand, it reinforces recognition.

Thus, there is no doubt regarding the fact that SEM can help businesses expand faster, reach new customers and drive business revenue. We are one of the top PPC companies in India with a team of certified SEM experts who can create compelling ad campaigns and attract audiences to your page.

SEO or search engine optimization focuses on driving organic traffic to your page from search engines. SEO is an effective way to get your website ranked on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Drawing traffic from organic search results involves serious challenges and SEO helps overcome those obstacles and improves your website position. SEO professionals employ various techniques to analyze your website performance and then suggest measures to improve the website design and development as per the latest search engine algorithms. 

SEM or Search Engine Marketing involves the direct promotion of your website by presenting it to your potential customers at places where they are supposed to see it first (top of Google’s first page). SEM helps in lead generation by creating brand awareness.

SEM differs from SEO in the sense that most of the traffic generated from SEM is from paid searches. But in SEO, traffic comes from organic search. Webgen Technologies is an experienced digital marketing agency that offers cost-effective SEO and SEM services in Kolkata for businesses from various types of industries.

India is one of the most preferred outsourcing countries by global clients. India, being a country with the largest skilled and qualified workforce, is the best place to search for PPC companies. If you need scalable solutions to increase your brand visibility, then consider hiring experts from India. Why?

  • Get access to top industry experts – India is home to competent PPC professionals who are great at crafting creative PPC campaigns and delivering long-lasting and transparent results to your business.  Since PPC advertising is more effective than other marketing strategies in converting clicks to customers, it should be handled by adept experts. And, no country is better than India in providing you with this.
  • Cost-effective Solution – If you are seeking an agency that offers PPC services at an affordable rate, then you should hire an SEM company in Kolkata, India. PPC professionals from India not only provide you with cost-effective SEM solutions but also ensures that you reach your target market and pay only when anyone clicks. You can reduce your ad spending to a great extent by outsourcing PPC services to an Indian firm.
  • Saves time  – One of the prime reasons for outsourcing is saving time. Doing it yourself by hiring in-house resources is both time-taking and involves high costing. But when you choose an SEM agency to run your ad campaigns, it can be done quickly as the agency specializes in that job only and have several experts with rich expertise. Positive results are guaranteed and that too in lesser time compared to when done in-house.
  • Smooth Communication – Poor communication will never be an issue when you work with a PPC agency in India. With their constant availability and great communication skills, you can always relay your requirements, raise queries and track regular reports on your PPC campaign progress.

Also, a systematic and transparent approach is maintained by firms in India. They will first understand your pain points, discuss your requirements, devise a PPC strategy, implement action, evaluate results and lastly, provide you with transparent ROI reporting. Thus, it is clear that hiring one of the top PPC companies from India is the best decision if you want your PPC campaigns to bring fruitful results and drive business revenue. 

Although we can give you many reasons to hire our SEM or PPC services, here’s what our clients feel about why we are the best in the market. 

Conversion-driven campaigns – We only focus on the clicks that convert. For this, we set up ad campaigns with compelling ad copies that accelerate conversions. Our copywriters study deeply your target market and sales channel before coming up with something unique and creative. 

Tailored Solutions –  We see your business as our business. This helps us in understanding your needs better and aim better. Since every business has different goals and needs, our main motive is to craft an effective campaign catering to your business requirements. Especially, our knowledge of the industry you belong to, as well as our understanding of your customer’s mindset, helps us deliver successful campaigns. 

Accurate Analysis – We, at Webgen Technologies, leverage data analytics tools to prepare accurate reports and guide our clients properly. Our team of business consulting experts has deep analytical skills that help them to evaluate the performance of ad campaigns and track progress.

Proven Results – With more than 11 years in business, we have become masters in Google Adwords services in Kolkata. We believe in delivering results, not services. With every single campaign we run, you’ll receive these things from us – technical audit reports, competitive analyses, dashboard reports, and monthly updates. 

Quality Services – Our PPC services are carefully curated following Google’s guidelines. Our ad content is hyper-targeted as it is written to target the right demographic using relevant keywords. Precisely, our PPC ad content is written as per the E.A.T principle – expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. 

Keyword Discovery & Analysis – The first step to a successful SEM campaign is keyword use and management. PPC is all about finding the right keywords and using them in a manner that draws the attention of your audience first. Hire PPC experts from the best SEM agency in Kolkata who will help you with keyword discovery and research in order to drive quality traffic to your page.

Team with years of experience – Almost all our team members have more than 15 years of experience in this field and therefore, can provide you with exceptional solutions. Our dedicated specialists give you the best advice and offer customized solutions to optimize the results of your ad campaigns. 

Affordable Pricing –  The pricing structure for our PPC services is quite reasonable and can be customized according to your budget and business needs. We ensure that you pay less to run an ad but in the end, enjoy maximum ROI from your ad campaigns. 

Consistent Monitoring – Keeping a track of your ad progress regularly is a necessary condition to analyze the impact of the ad on your target audience. Our services include constant monitoring of your ad performance and simultaneously, we also provide regular reports after reviewing results.  

Thus, you can be assured that nothing will go wrong with your PPC marketing when you have the best minds working on it. Webgen Technologies is undoubtedly one of the top SEM agencies in Kolkata, India that is helping businesses achieve remarkable growth by increasing brand visibility on search engines, attracting potential customers, and generating revenue.  

Investing in PPC marketing is worth considering because as per recent studies, nearly 27% of users click on the top search results when they put any search term or query on the search engines. Therefore, every business should think of running PPC ads in order to scale their business.  Here are some most prominent benefits of PPC in growing your business. 

Get Instant Traffic – Drawing traffic through organic search is highly beneficial for your business but it takes time. By utilizing SEO services, you can get impactful results in the long run. On the contrary, SEM or PPC services in India bring you prompt results without requiring you to wait for months. Therefore, SEM is of great value to startup businesses, in particular, as it gives the right exposure at the right time to the right people.

Brand Awareness – It becomes difficult for small or local businesses to get the attention of potential buyers since big rivalries are already influencing the market with their name and reputation. In such a scenario, PPC can be a savior. It gives small-sized firms instant recognition through audience targeting. When your ads appear at the top of SERPs, it grabs their attention. Furthermore, with remarketing, your prospective customers become familiar with your brand name and products. This builds trust in them and increases their chances of conversion. 

Specific Group Targeting – Usually, you cannot achieve group targeting with your SEO efforts. You need the help of an able PPC company in Kolkata, India that can plan a concrete SEM strategy with multi-layer targeting options. You can prepare targeted Google Ads based on-

  • Audience demographics and their interests
  • Content or keywords specific 
  • Device specific (such as smartphone users)

Boost sales – By displaying your brand right in front of the people looking for your products or services, SEM can help you in increasing your sales. By growing your online presence and reaching out to more and more people on the internet, you can boost conversions. Google ads, Youtube ads, Facebook ads, etc. are some of the great ideas for eCommerce businesses to influence people straight away to buy from you. Hence, hire the best SEM agency in Kolkata to speed up your sales conversion rate. 

Aids in SEO strategy – PPC has a great hand in influencing your SEO strategy in a number of ways. In simple words, to make your SEO efforts successful, you need to combine it with SEM. Through PPC, you can derive better targeting information such as keyword discovery and keyword search volume. Moreover, once visitors come to your page through PPC targeting, it gives the best opportunity to analyze their behavior such as their likes and dislikes, viewing time on content, and other factors. All these jointly will help you in improving your website content and likewise its performance. 

Monitor Performance – It’s easy to track and monitor the performance of your Google Adwords services.  The biggest advantage of performance monitoring in your business is that it helps you to make decisions driven by PPC marketing results. Data plays a key role in improving your business strategy and boosting ROI. Further, a professional SEM company in Kolkata will always weigh out the PPC costs and results before proceeding with any other marketing tactic. 

Retargeting  – PPC is a brilliant way to retarget those who have previously visited your site. It helps you to influence users who have clicked on your PPC ads but didn’t make a buying move yet. Through remarketing, you get a chance to make your brand familiar and build an unforgettable impression in their minds. Also, you can retain your old customers by upselling, cross-selling, and advertising products that they are supposed to take an interest in. 

Helps in social media marketing – Our PPC agency in Kolkata ensures that our SEM services help you with your social media advertising as well. PPC acts as a catalyst in your social media campaigns by providing you with useful information on customer data and helping you to reach your social media goals faster. 

Google Ads or Google Adwords is one of the largest and most profitable ad channels. PPC ads generate twice as many visitors as SEO and hence, businesses rely greatly on various types of Google ads to build brand recognition and drive instant traffic. And as there are several types of Google ads, you have to see first which type of ad would be most effective for your business. Let’s get into the details of the types of our Google Adwords services in Kolkata.

  1. Search Ads – These are generally text ads that appear on top of Google search results with the prefix word “Ad.” at the beginning of the text. Search ads are appropriate for targeting those keywords that potential customers intend to search on Google. Using this ad type helps businesses get in front of audiences who are eager to buy and therefore, chances of conversion are very high.
  2. Display Ads – Display ads are published on websites that are part of Google Display Network (GDN). Google will allow you some ad space on various sites that your audience is most likely to visit. By analyzing your audience characteristics such as age, gender, likes, and preferences, Google allows you to set your ad on specific websites to draw the attention of your target audience. Google display ads can help you reach a massive number of internet users in minimum time.
  3. Video Ads – Video Ads are the best marketing tool to leave an indelible impression on users’ minds. Although the pricing for video ads by top SEM companies In Kolkata is comparatively higher, its impact on potential buyers is immense. Through compelling video ads on Google partner platforms like YouTube, you can reach millions of customers within a few minutes. An impressive video comes before, after, and in between YouTube videos, to make your relevant audience aware of your brand and invite them to make a buying move.
  4. Shopping Ads – It’s basically a product-based ad type. A shopping ad is an incredible way to advertise a product for sale by publishing its image, price, and buy link on the top of Google search results. Shopping ads also are shown as Google images when a shopper searches for similar products using intent keywords. eCommerce companies hire Google Adwords services in Kolkata to get traffic to their online stores and boost sales.
  5. Local Search Ads –  This type of ad service is appropriate for local businesses that want to drive people to visit their physical stores or make a call to specific business locations. Google generates local search ads based on the information and assets provided by local store owners such as addresses, images, videos, contact numbers, etc. and these ads will be displayed on Google partner networks like Google Maps, Google search network, etc.
  6. App Promotion Ads – No one will know about the app you just published on app stores until you promote it. An app cannot be a success unless users download, install, and engage with it. Thus, through app promotion ads services, you can easily get your app noticed by the target people and entice them to download it instantly.  For effective App promotion ads, you can reach out to seasoned SEM experts of a reputed PPC company in Kolkata like Webgen Technologies any time.

Hope, now you when how many types of Google Ads services are there and how you can use them to your advantage. Although SEO services also aid in driving organic traffic to your site or eCommerce store, PPC is a more effective marketing method if you want to drive a large volume of search traffic in a short time. 

The cost of PPC services depends on certain factors like keyword value or price per click, strategy consultation charge, and man hours dedicated to your ad campaign. Also, the price of the same keywords changes when location or country changes. Keyword value varies greatly in terms of the industries it belongs to or your business type. Therefore, when you hire any PPC agency in Kolkata, India, the cost estimate is charged based on your project, keywords, location, industry, strategy to be used, etc. Generally, clients use their ad spend on a monthly basis. Reach out to our sales team to get an exact quote for your PPC services. 

There are myriad platforms to advertise your PPC campaigns and we ensure that our clients get to publish their ads on those platforms that are best effective in pursuing their potential buyers. You can advertise your business on the following platforms:

  • Google Search
  • Google Shopping
  • Instagram 
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn 
  • Bing
  • YouTube
  • Third-party websites

As a globally renowned digital marketing agency and PPC firm, we ensure that our clients have the best services provided by the best minds. Further, our dedicated SEM manager will provide you with weekly updates, and attends to all your queries promptly. We provide PPC services to small or local businesses as well as large and long-established companies. Our range of PPC services includes:

  • Google Adwords Services  
  • Google Remarketing 
  • Google Shopping Ads 
  • Display Advertising
  • Youtube Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • PPC Ad Campaign Creation 
  • Native Ads
  • Mobile Advertising

Usually, any PPC campaign after its launch undergoes a review process and then, once approved start bringing continuous traffic to your site. In most cases, you can measure the results of our ad campaign within one week only. In the first week, you can assess whether your ad is working properly based on the 7 following metrics:

  • Click-through-rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Page visits and time spent on site
  • Quality Score
  • Cost Per Click
  • Cost per conversion
  • Site visitors insights

We, as an SEM agency in Kolkata with 11 years of experience, keep tracking your ad performance continuously and will update you regularly. We deliver measurable results to our clients within a week or two.

Yes, we offer package pricing systems to our clients. Our packages depend on certain factors like business type, the industry you’re in, PPC strategy, keyword value per, locations you’re targeting your keywords for, etc. 

If you’ve run a PPC campaign but it isn’t working, then there must be a problem with the way the ad has been set up, the keywords used for targeting, or maybe the campaign structure isn’t proper. If such a situation occurs, you need to seek the help of a well-known PPC company in India. Their skilled professionals use data from your campaigns, analyze them thoroughly to see what went wrong, and then suggest corrective strategies or advise you to set up a new campaign with targeted keywords.

You can easily do that by using our Google Ads remarketing services. Remarketing is a profitable way to connect with audiences who have already visited your site and interacted with you via the website or app. By displaying ads to them repeatedly, you can help them recognize your brand easily, and who knows, they might make a purchasing move right away. Increasing brand familiarity through Google remarketing helps businesses boost their site conversion rate to a great extent. Webgen Technologies is a top-ranking PPC company in Kolkata, India, that can help you with effective Google remarketing services and bring you measurable results in less than a week.

CPC is directly related to Quality Score or platform competition. Platform competition means the number of bidders bidding against you and how much they are willing to bid on your targeted keywords. So, when you see your CPC rising, then probably your competitors are performing better than you by using the same keywords and running a similar campaign like yours.

Yes, definitely otherwise you may lose some valuable clicks. As an advanced PPC agency in Kolkata, India we can help you easily bid on your brand name and beat your competitors. Bidding on your brand name has several advantages some of which are mentioned below.

  • It gives you the best opportunity to show your listing info on the top of SERPs. More organic listings will help you dominate the first page against your brand SERP.
  • If your competitors are using your brand name to bid and run ad campaigns against it and you’re not bidding, then you can lose a great amount of traffic to your competitors.
  • Bidding against your brand name gives your more control and influencing power over the brand SERPs.
  • With an organic listing, you can provide your potential customers with more brand-related information that boosts your conversion rate.
  • It increases your brand exposure. You can take up more space at the top of SERPs by bidding against your brand name and therefore, gain prominent visibility. 

Your PPC campaign can be called a success when you achieve the PPCs goals that you have set before the campaign launch. 

The metrics that will help you determine your PPC campaign success are:

  • Impressions – That is how many times your ad has been shown on SERPs or how many people it had reached actually.
  • Clicks –  How many clicks your ad has earned which is a measure of the traffic to your site or landing page.
  • Click Through Rate (CTR) – It is the total clicks divided by the number of impressions and multiplied by 100.
  • Average cost per click – It is the total cost from all the ad clicks divided by the total number of clicks.
  • Conversion – It measures the action that has been completed by those who clicked on your ads. 

In order to make sure that your PPC campaign is a complete win, reach out to the best SEM agency in Kolkata, India, Webgen Technologies. Contact us to know in detail.

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