Healthcare App Development Company| Mhealth Application Development Services in Kolkata, India
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Healthcare App Development Company in Kolkata, India

Best-in-class mobile application to improve the quality of healthcare delivery and streamline medical functionalities. As a leading healthcare app development company, we employ cutting-edge technologies for efficient digital transformation and enhance patient care.

Better ROI With Our Healthcare Mobile App Development Services

Healthcare service providers strive to deliver the best care and medical facilities to improve people’s quality of life. However, myriad obstacles can come their way and hinder the smooth functioning of the healthcare industry. For instance, managing patients’ data, appointment scheduling, tracking illness history, handling medical billings, etc. require specific skills and attentiveness. Mistakes by humans are inevitable and hence, automating these tasks can be of great benefit. With our bespoke mHealth app development solutions, you can streamline operations, enhance productivity and eliminate human errors. We support healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies, medicine suppliers, and other healthcare-related organizations.

How Medical App Development Is Enhancing the Healthcare Ecosystem

Powering Healthcare with Cloud Solutions

Effective cloud solutions that enhance technological operations, scalability & flexibility in service.

Data Security and Improved Accessibility

Effective encryption systems against the risk of privacy breaches and secured protection of patients’ data.

Digitalization of Healthcare Industry

Smooth digital transformation resulting in patient-specific medical care and personalized services.

Streamlining Communications with Apps

Scalable Telemedicine apps to ease communications via video, voice call and text.

Unified Patient Portal for Better Service

Omnichannel solutions for seamless management of health records, medical reports etc.

Better Monitoring of Chronic Health Issues

Web and mobile apps to effectively monitor your health and take precautionary measures.


Here are the answers to some questions that people ask before hiring our services.

The introduction of mobile applications has improved access to healthcare services. With technological advancements and the emergence of new mobility solutions, the medical and healthcare industry has undergone an enormous transformation. By harnessing the power of technology, the healthcare sector has been able to improve the quality of its services by providing better treatment and care. The necessity of mobile apps in the industry is huge and below is the list of areas where its importance has been felt most.


Easy access to medical care – Location is no longer a barrier to getting proper treatment by doctors. Visiting a doctor physically is a thing of the past. With the help of mobile apps, people from far-away and remote locations can schedule appointments with doctors and get timely care. mHealth application development allows doctors to treat their patients through video calls and E-prescribe medicines in a few minutes.


Moreover, an added advantage of an interactive mobile app is that it helps you to stay in touch with your physician or doctor and get emergency help when needed. Some apps even allow users to inquire and consult general health-related questions and symptoms. For elderly or home-bound patients, a healthcare mobile app is bliss. Through virtual interaction with doctors, they are able to get the best medical treatment.


Keeping patients’ records – Mobile apps have made it easy and convenient for hospitals and clinics to store and manage their patients’ records. Patients’ details include name, age, gender, past history of ailments, treatment followed, medicines prescribed, and so on. These records are maintained in such a manner that makes it easy for the management team to filter and track someone whenever they need.


Efficient communication between patient and doctor – Sometimes language becomes a problem for the patients while interacting with the doctors. Mobile apps developed by a healthcare app development company offer a feature of translation from one language to another so that it becomes easy for patients to understand their concerns and queries.


Online medicine purchase – Home delivery of medicine and other healthcare products was previously unthinkable because pharmacies never sell medicines without prescriptions. However, now pharmacy apps give you the option to upload prescriptions and order medicines right away to get them delivered to your doorstep in a few hours.


Track vital fitness parameters – There are several fitness and wellness apps that facilitate easy tracking of essential health parameters like blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation level, glucose level, and others. Hence, anyone can easily monitor their health conditions and also get warnings or alerts whenever there are any abnormalities in the parameters.


Hassle-free diagnosis – Pathology apps developed by our mHealth application development company in Kolkata helps in easy online booking and scheduling of tests. Not only this, you can get your testing done in the comfort of your home and get reports online.


Helping hospitals in employee management – A mobile app helps in record keeping and tracking of hospital staff’s work details and shift timings. The management team is no longer required to maintain these records manually as apps will store this information safely so that supervisors and senior management officials can easily access the information, assign duties, and get work reports.


In the coming years, the use of mobile apps in the healthcare industry is anticipated to increase with the discovery of new opportunities and benefits. Hire healthcare app developers in Kolkata with longstanding experience in creating interactive apps. Our trusted team will focus on great UX and easy-to-use features of your app that will enhance the experience of your users.

You cannot compare and decide which operating system is best for developing a medical app for your healthcare personnel as both have their own set of advantages. So, depending on the intent of your app development, you need to decide whether to build the app for android users or Apple users, or both. In particular, the use case of your app should drive your decision regarding this. For instance, iOS apps are ideal for physician-only apps, fitness-tracking wearables, and health-monitoring apps. As for iOS, there are many benefits to developing apps in this operating system.


  • iOS is a more stable and secure platform that is suitable for use by consumers as well as enterprises. This OS is easily predictable and thus, developers find it easy to code.


  • iOS is a less-complicated system and is a closed ecosystem of Apple and so, chances of encountering bugs is minimal. Its integrated design and development make it less vulnerable to security threats and flaws.


  • Also, mHealth application development for iOS devices provides a better user experience in terms of basic features like high-quality voice and video communication between patients and doctors and text messaging.


However, when it comes to flexibility, iOS offers less flexibility compared to Android. An app developed for an iOS system has only three limited hardware platforms – iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. However, Android-based apps can be downloaded on numerous platforms. Other advantages of developing an app in the Android operating system are


  • It offers a large number of customization options that developers can utilize to give users a robust experience. The flexibility of this operating system helps them to incorporate significant add-on features and functionalities.


  • Also, Android is better than iOS when it comes to updates of operating systems. So, it becomes easy for developers to integrate last-minute updates and changes.


  • In terms of cost, the Android system is more cost-effective compared to the iOS. Moreover, the platform is sustainable that helps healthcare companies reduce their overall ownership cost in the long run.

All-in-all, it can be concluded that both bring some amazing benefits and hence, healthcare mobile app development for both OSes is considered the best strategy by most enterprises. Although iOS seems to catch all the attention in the initial stages, as healthcare matures in its digital aspect, it is realizing that Android has more potential in terms of acceptability and usability.

The cost of making medical apps is largely determined by the technology stack. The most popular app technologies that are used by our healthcare app developers in Kolkata are Python, Flutter, Swift, Java, Kotlin, etc. Other factors that help us in estimating the cost of your project are the platform selection, the number of features, complexity, development hours, UI/UX, security, and scalability.


Apps made for healthcare professionals will have different functionalities compared to when designed for patients and general people. Thus, it is difficult to give you a single or approximate price for your app development. It’s best to reach out to our sales team of Webgen Technologies directly to get an exact quote as per your project requirements.

When you are developing an app for hospitals or the healthcare sector, you should consider the target users in order to decide what features need to be included. The success of your app depends on what features or benefits you’re going to provide to your users. Since every app differs from another on the basis of its purposes and audience, the features that need to be added also vary.


When you are building an app for hospitals and healthcare professionals, the features that need to integrate are as below.


Telehealth – This technological advancement helps doctors in delivering healthcare services remotely. Doctors now can diagnose and ePrescribe medicines through video chat. Our mobile app development services for healthcare professionals include the telehealth or telemedicine feature.


Appointment Scheduling – Tracking appointments and the number of patients per day is difficult for doctors considering the work pressure they handle. So, an app must provide them with a feature to mark or schedule appointments and set reminders so that they don’t miss any appointments.


Updates – Keeping up to date with the latest news regarding medical developments, diseases, etc is an essential part of every doctor’s life. The more knowledgeable they have, the more help they can provide to the patients. Thus, an app that tracks all the recent updates and news in the industry will be beneficial for a doctor.


Patient data records – Patients’ data include personal information like age, gender, disease or illness diagnosed, and treatment undergoing. Maintaining all these details in a single platform through EHR ( Electronic Health Record) saves time and increases the efficiency of the doctors.


Thus, these are the features one should keep in mind or must tell a developer mHealth app development solutions.


Healthcare app development for patients, fitness enthusiasts, and common people requires different types of app features which are mentioned below.


Diagnosis – Smart wearables like watches and belts are integrated with health monitoring and diagnosis features. It can check your health conditions and do primary diagnoses like blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, and oxygen saturation.


Reminders – In this busy and hectic work schedule, users often forget to take their medicines, drink plenty of water, and make body movements once every hour. Thus, they need an app that constantly reminds them when they forget to take medicines or are sedentary.


Monitoring patient treatment – If your app is for helping patients with chronic diseases, you must integrate a function that would help them in tracking and monitoring their health conditions 24*7.


Nutrition advise – Certain apps offer guidance and suggestions from top nutritionists in the world. They would help you in making a perfect daily diet or meal plan depending on your fitness goal, age, weight, permitted calorie intake, and other health parameters.


Personal trainer – In reality, it is hard for most of us to keep a personal trainer. However, our mHealth application development company in Kolkata can build apps that have a personal trainer to help you through your fitness journey by reminding you to exercise and eat properly.


Apart from these features, there are some other functionalities that are common in both types of applications.


Geolocation – The geolocation feature helps the healthcare industry by helping patients find nearby hospitals, optimizing routes for ambulance drivers, and other such services.


Payment Gateway – The purpose of mobile apps is to help doctors as well as patients with smooth and hassle-free service. Paying doctor fees or receiving payments from hospitals, and medical personnel should be quick and effortless. Integration of a payment gateway solves these problems.

Being one of top 10 mobile app development company in India, our developers leverage cutting-edge technologies like Artificial intelligence and Machine learning to build impeccable mobile applications.

Although fitness and healthcare mobile apps offer a wide range of benefits, there are certain challenges that every developer has to overcome while developing an app. These are:


Data Security – A typical health care works by fetching users’ data and securing those data in the system. Preventing any kind of data misuse and loss remains the prime concern for every app developer. 


Privacy Protection – Since the app contains all the information of the patients and users, maintaining the privacy of such information is essential. Fitness apps are mostly targeted by hackers for phishing attacks. Thus, you need a healthcare and medical app development company in India that assures complete protection of your personal details.


Integration of Wearables – This is one of the most significant aspects of fitness and healthcare app development because developers need to integrate wearable APIs and SDKs in the apps. 


Shorter Time for Project completion – The demand of every client from an app development company is to build for them a user-friendly and highly-interactive app in the least possible time. The shorter duration of the project makes it challenging for the developers to look into every single minute detail of the development. 


Regular Updates – With the changing demands and expectations of the clients, it becomes important for the developers to keep the app updated. Also, it keeps the users engaged by providing attractive features every time they update the app and helps in user retention.


Hence, these are the top challenges every developer’s faces while developing any healthcare app. Not just app but also healthcare web development also involves similar problems and challenges during the development process.

According to healthcare professionals, personnel from the medical sector, and patients, an app is considered a good one only when it is able to serve the following purposes.


Engage the users – Easy-to-understand features and functionalities make the app user-friendly and engaging. Users should be able to easily book and schedule appointments, download e-prescriptions, monitor health, and so on. 


Easy payment method – Online payment procedures for doctor appointments and buying medicines should be not complicated. Similarly, doctors and online pharmacies should be able to receive payments in a hassle-free method.


Tracking of patient records – Hospital authorities and doctors expect a mobile app to store patients’ records in a neat and sorted manner which should be readily accessible to them at any time.


Accurate results – The fitness and mHealth application development claims to monitor your health conditions and track parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, O2 saturation level, etc. Thus, users expect accuracy in these apps and hence, inaccurate or absurd results can lead to the uninstallation of such apps. 


Adhering to legal compliances – Serving the healthcare and medical sector requires strictly complying with guidelines like HIPAA, FDC, etc. Non-compliance with these rules might result in the removal of your app from the Android play store and Apple store. 


Hack-proof Security – A healthcare app is considered a good app when it guarantees complete security and privacy of the user data and is absolutely hack-proof. When your app is 100% safe and protected from any kind of data breaches and thefts. 

Our mobile app development services in Kolkata, India ensure that all the points are carefully looked after to make the app a complete success.

Patients install a healthcare app with the hope that it would solve the problems that usually they face while availing of healthcare services. A reliable and secure app is one that gives users complete ease in tracking their symptoms and booking appointments for telehealth services. 


The information and data stored in the apps must be secured and used by the app properly to manage the health of the users. For example, they should be able to set reminders for medicines, access past medical records, and communicate with doctors easily. Patients also prefer to know their nutritional plan and exercise routine from apps as per their health status. This makes their daily life easy and on track. 


Another essential function or facility that patients want in their healthcare apps is personalized suggestions like the best doctors in your location. If your app offers the  feature of solving patients’ queries by top medical professionals, then it is an added advantage for the users. 

It is also very crucial for a healthcare app development company to develop apps as per the needs and preferences of patients, and to prioritize their privacy and security.

Handling a large volume of data – With the increasing use of mobile apps for tracking health-related data, it is becoming difficult to deliver patient-centric care. Apps need to store massive volumes of data that patients will share with doctors to aid in the treatment of illness. Therefore, maintaining the security and privacy of the data therefore becomes a priority for developers.


Integrating with the old system – The mobile app and healthcare software development is designed to be interoperable, meaning it can integrate with existing IT systems. However, sometimes depending on the intricacies of the features, this process gets complicated. Developers need to have adequate knowledge and experience in migrating from an existing system or integrating old features into a new system.


Project Complexity – The complexity of mobile healthcare applications can make them difficult to integrate and implement with existing systems, and can also make them difficult for users to understand. This can decrease their effectiveness and productivity. To improve the success of these applications, developers and providers of mobile healthcare solutions prioritize ease of deployment and user-friendliness.

While there may be significant challenges in developing and implementing mobile healthcare applications, these obstacles can be overcome with careful planning. Some strategies for addressing these challenges include hiring our  app developers in Kolkata, designing a user-friendly interface, and utilizing innovative technologies.

The process of creating a medical app can be broken down into the following steps:


Identify the target audience – To begin the process of creating a medical app, it is important to identify the target audience and understand their needs. The healthcare app industry is crowded and so, it is essential to conduct thorough research to determine how to create a useful and valuable app for customers. Your study must include identifying the problems that the app can solve for the target audience.


App consulting – Once you have identified the type of app you want to create, the target audience, the next step is to officially plan a roadmap for the project and how to proceed with developing it. This phase involves determining the specific requirements and specifications for the app, including its functionality, cost, resources needed, and personnel.


Development – The development stage is the main part of the app creation process, and it is important to have the right team in place to ensure the success of your app. The development stage involves hiring professional app developers and project managers who use the necessary tools and technologies to build the app you want. Many companies choose to work with an offshore development team at this stage. If you are one of them, then reach out to our Healthcare app development company in India.


Quality assurance – In the process of developing a healthcare app, it is important to conduct thorough quality assurance testing to ensure that your app is functioning properly. Despite the efforts of developers to test and debug the app, there may be blind spots that can only be detected through quality assurance testing. Hence, this step is crucial in ensuring that your app is operating at its best.


Product release and ongoing support –  Even after the app has been deployed, it will likely require ongoing support. Some companies choose to transition the support of the app to an in-house team after the initial deployment. This may involve ongoing updates and improvements to ensure the app’s stability. We, as the best app development company in India, provide post-development support and maintenance.

The time it takes for healthcare mobile app developers to complete the development process for a healthcare app can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the app, the resources available to the development team, and the level of experience of the developers. Some healthcare apps may be completed in a few months, while others may take longer to develop. Therefore, it is difficult to provide a specific timeframe for the development of a healthcare app without more information about the specific project. You can schedule a consultation with our team for exact time estimation. 

To reduce the risk of civil claims for healthcare providers, HIPAA-compliant medical software development can help prevent threats to protected healthcare data. In some cases, legal action may not be taken for HIPAA violations, but it is still important for healthcare providers to adhere to HIPAA regulations to protect patient confidentiality. Violations of HIPAA regulations can put lives at risk and may result in civil suits being filed for violations of state and federal statutes.


The FDA is likely to impose stricter regulations on apps that integrate with or transfer data from medical devices such as sensors. These sensors can be used to detect health conditions and allow doctors to remotely observe and diagnose patients. The FDA closely monitors these medical apps to ensure that patients receive safe, reliable and responsible healthcare services.

There are many ways to monetize and earn revenue from your healthcare mobile app development. Our Medical app developers can help you in determining the most appropriate monetization strategy for a particular app.

Blockchain technology has increasingly become popular in the healthcare sector because of its ability to provide high efficiency, security, and privacy in data management. Hospitals, pharmacies, diagnostic & pathological labs, and other healthcare centers have to deal with massive volumes of patient data such as medical reports, prescriptions, and treatment history on daily basis. Further, they need an easy-to-use and convenient data management software or application to store and track employees’ details, attendance, and daily tasks.


The services offered by blockchain development companies include the creation of a decentralized platform that facilitates the secure storing and sharing of healthcare-related data in the form of Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The decentralized nature of this revolutionary technology makes it impossible for anyone to delete, modify or tamper with the data. Hire developers to uncover the potential of blockchain and simplify the operations of your healthcare business.

Our Custom Healthcare Mobile App Development Services in India

As an advanced healthcare app development company, we help the healthcare sector evolve and perform better. Our ample experience in custom solutions has enabled us to develop smart, agile, and functional solutions for our clients. You can leverage our expertise to assure individualized care and better service delivery to the patients. For technology-driven outcomes and process automation, reach out to us.

Pharmacy Apps
Fitness Apps
Medical Consultant Apps
mHealth Apps
Patient Portal Development
Pathology Apps
Advanced EHR Solutions
Telemedicine Apps
Diet Nutrition Apps

Our Case Studies

The healthcare industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors. As a result, it is always looking for expert healthcare app development companies for mobility solutions to enhance healthcare operations. Hence, we have played a key role in the digitalization of many healthcare facilities. Here is a summary of our efforts in the sector.

The overview

Who is Laughing Frogs Nutraceuticals?

For whole-body homeostasis, Laughing Frogs Nutraceuticals offers a complete line of hemp-rich products. Laughing Frogs Nutraceuticals sells a wide range of items to help people achieve their health and wellness objectives or treat specific conditions. It also has high bioavailability for optimum absorption, organic components, approved manufacture, incredibly low prices, available online or through resellers, coupled with outstanding customer service.

How did we help them with our solutions?

Laughing Frogs Nutraceuticals approached us to design & develop its online website. We were key in creating its strong digital presence. From identifying its USP to building a website that complements its brand image & effectively delivers its story to its target consumers, our innovative website design & development services were on point. With consultation, we started the requirement analysis & planning process & then we helped them choose the ideal website domain. Based on the needs specified in SRS, we proposed a product architecture. Then, development, testing, website deployment, & maintenance were completed.

The overview

Who is High Purity Natural Products (HPNP)?

High Purity Natural Products is committed to providing high-quality wholesale natural products, including vitamins & supplements, luxury infused beauty products, nootropics, nutraceuticals, & CBD products like THC-free, full-spectrum tinctures, vegan CBD edibles, etc. White-label & private-label products, consulting, contract manufacturing, contract filling, bulk/wholesale CBD products for manufacturers, & 3PL fulfillment services that save money and expedite shipping to customers are among the services offered by the company to health, wellness & beauty companies of all sizes.

How did we help them with our solutions?

High Purity Natural Products needed a cutting-edge, mobile-friendly website. Thus, they sought us to help them design a website that was not only useful but also creative. We built a website by following our project delivery process in its entirety. That comprises a consultation to assess their unique needs, a planning process, and domain selection. We then suggested a product architecture based on the SRS’s needs. The development, testing, website launch, and maintenance methods were followed. As a result, we created a website that helps them attract clients & provides a superior UX through intuitive design.

The overview

Who is Future Farm Technologies?

Future Farm Technologies Inc. is a publicly-traded Canadian company aiming to be a big provider of hemp-derived CBD products to meet the growing demand in the United States and worldwide. It offers global support to high-quality natural & organic health and wellness companies. The company & its subsidiaries have a seasoned management team with a deep knowledge of manufacturing, formulation, marketing, sales, & operations. It also has the financial & regulatory expertise needed to become a key player in the growing market for hemp and other plant-based health & wellness products.

How did we help them with our solutions?

Future Farm Technologies contacted us because they desired a visually appealing website with cutting-edge technology and an excellent user interface. Understanding the specific requirements & diligently planning the initial steps were critical to achieving the same. Because of the collaboration of our top in-house website developers and designers, we were able to provide it to our clients. We have been thorough & timely in meeting their needs, from assisting them in selecting the best domain for their business website, to proposing a product architecture, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining the website.

The overview

Who is RG Skincare?

RG Skincare is a skin-care clinic situated in Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur District, West Bengal, India. The clinic specializes in dermatology, aesthetic procedures, and dermatology-based treatments. Besides, they also have expertise in treating skin, hair, and nail disorders, leprosy, related issues, and sexually transmitted infections. In a nutshell, it is the umbrella under which you can seek help for all of your skin and related problems and diseases while being under the supervision of a skilled and expert dermatologist.

How did we help them with our solutions?

RG Skincare came to us with the need for a website to help them achieve better online visibility. That meant it should be infused with structure, design, & functionalities per search engine guidelines & standards for better website visibility. Following consultation, we were able to learn their specific needs & what appealed to their target audience. As the brand caters to the healthcare market, we could nail how we should use technology to provide them with the best results. We have been in constant communication with them throughout the planning process & assisted them with our website support & maintenance services.

Start the conversation.

Begin with a hello and work your way up to your big idea. Do you have a brilliant idea? With our technological expertise and experience in developing innovative and excellent business solutions, we can assist you in bringing it to life.

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